Historically and Architecturally Significant Homes in San Antonio.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Guided Home Tour of Architectural Styles

Release date: October 5, 2006 Home Tour of Architectural Styles: 1940s Bungalow, Spanish Eclectic, Spanish American Ranch Presentation and Tour on Sunday, October 8th by Architectural Historian Dr. Shelley Roff
Dear Joe, Dr. Roff, an Architectural Historian and Associate Professor at UTSA, has prepared to give a presentation at 3 of the historically and architecturally significant homes I am representing.

Dr. Roff will discuss the architectural style of each home, placing it in its historical context. This presentation will be followed by a tour pointing out the residence's unique features and those influenced by the historical style.

The tour is open to the public and it is already being written up, so please feel free to forward this on to your friends and family members that appreciate fine architecture.

1pm - 349 Parland on Mahncke Park
1940's Bungalow Front View " ...The abstract composition of the house’s exterior is reflected in its interior design, however with a subtle elevation in sophistication.

"No contemporary middle-income house will provide you with the sophisticated details of a 1940’s pared- down bungalow, such as the elegant, broad sweep of the arch (fig. 2) separating the living and dining rooms, the colors of antique stained glass (fig. 3), nor the original classical molding ornamenting the fireplace (fig. 4) and walls (fig. 5).

An unusual feature of the house is its two glass corners lighting opposing sides of the house in the kitchen (fig. 6) and front bedroom (fig. 7)... " -Exerpt from Dr. Roff

2pm - 827 W. Mistletoe in Beacon Hill
Spanish Eclectic Bingaloid from the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis Front Right This home is a treasure for San Antonio. Originally built for the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis as a Spanish-style home with an interior courtyard, the Idaho House eventually found a home in San Antonio as a Bungalow with Craftsman-style features. The entire house was disassembled at the end of the fair, loaded up on a train and shipped part and parcel to San Antonio. How many people can say that about their house?

The columns upholding the front porch of the house are reminiscent in their design and proportion of ancient Minoan or Greek Doric columns ...

3pm - 440 Quentin in Monticello Park
Spanish-American Ranch designed by Alameda Theater architect Straus Nayfach Front Left "This house is clearly a direct descendant of the late 19th-century Spanish-American ranch house, not to be confused with the southwestern ranch-style house made popular in the 1950’s and 60’s.

"The Spanish precedent is established by a U or L-shape plan formed by single rooms arranged around a courtyard. These single rooms did not connect to each other, but rather, were traditionally accessed only from an exterior portale or porch, which wrapped around the interior and/or exterior of... " exerpt from Dr. Roff

Useful Information
The presentations will begin promptly as scheduled on Sunday, October 8th and space is limited.

Paletas will be served at Quentin. feel free to come to one presentation or all.

Map from 349 Parland to Mistletoe.

Check back at http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=i9up6ybab.0.4p5s6ybab.kg998rn6.16301&ts=S0204&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.joeslistings.blogspot.com for a map from Mistletoe to 440 Quentin that will drive you past significant homes on the way... Or pick one up at the first two presentations.

I've never heard of someone doing this before. I have new listings coming up and will develop the education aspect of what we do. Incidentally, we will have members of the Joe Barfield Group on hand if you are interested in making a purchase or if you have questions about our real estate consulting services.

I hope to see you there!

Joe Barfield

Contact Information for The Joe Barfield Group

email: joe@joebarfield.com
phone: 210-733-1928
web: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=i9up6ybab.0.4p5s6ybab.kg998rn6.16301&ts=S0204&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.joeslistings.blogspot.com

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